Healthy Families & Workplaces/Paid Sick Days

Healthy Families & Workplaces/Paid Sick Days | Senator Robinson introduces SB 457

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, nationally only 21% of American workers had access to paid leave as of fall 2020. Only 12% of North Carolinians have access to paid leave to welcome a new child, care for a seriously ill loved one, recover from their own serious illness, or deal with the needs related to deployment or an injured military service member. COVID-19 has exacerbated the need for paid sick days so that workers can heal and recover, without sacrificing their income. Paid sick days have many benefits for workers and their families, such as slowing the spread of COVID-19, improving the health and well-being of children and mothers, and alleviating financial hardships that employees who lack paid sick leave experience. 38% of NC's workforce have 0 paid sick days, and it's time for this to change.

SB 457 does not require employers who already offer a paid sick time policy to modify their current policy, provided that the policy offers an employee, at his or her discretion, the option to take paid sick time that is equivalent to the amount and for the same purposes proposed in SB457.

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